

ربع الليل..

إنقسمت هذه الليلة أرباعاً...
مدينة نائمة على حلم أمجاد هوّت..
سواد صنوبرة تلمع في غيمة ضباب خجول..
سكون سماء تاهت مع ضوء القمر..
كتفك دافىء إنشدّ إليه شعري...
رائحتك..خبأتها في شاليَّ الأزرق
طاعة لصوت يخرج من آهات سحر
مداعبة أنامل ضوء على أماكني
ويد ترسم رقعاً للذّة، رحيقاً للشغف
على جلدي..
غير مألوف، هذا الليل...
إنشداد الأبيض للأسود، والأسود للأبيض
نغوص به معاً في عتمة جنون أبدي..
نخرج به معاً من خطوط قلق دفين..
من أمواج إستفزّت اللامعقول
من رغبة تحادثت مع الصمت
من عناق ـ عراك ـ ألم..
من طاعة ـ إستسلام ـ قمم..
واحد لواحد، كيان لكيان، ماء لماء...
ألغيا خطوط الأزمنة كلها..
حيوان إمتزج بحيوان، إنسان قوبل بإنسان
حرية مارست عبودية، رجل إنفجر في إمرأة
إثنان..غريبان..مخلوقاً واحداً
من بركان ظلمة..من غابة نور...




Why do I BELIEVE in Jesus Christ ( al Nabi 3Issa 3alayhi al salam) ??
Is it because I was obliged to according to my parents' beliefs in God, in the Holy Books, The Bible and El Kur’an, and in the Prophets?? Or because I was raised in a multi-national and multi-confessional family, with these peculiar (but not weird) open-mindness and open-heartness towards the others in the society?? Or because I am a SSNP Rafika who read Antoun Saadeh's book "" Al Islam fi Rissalatayhi, al Massi7iya wa al Mouhamadiya” and who believes in this principle of freedom of faith that Al Za3im spread in all his writings??
None of the answers to the questions above are the only good ones!! I am not a theologian versed in neither Christianism nor Islam, I try to understand things with the help of my reason , through my readings , by looking at and analyzing what is around me and because I am a believer in God and His Scriptures , and not an atheist , even though I am a SSNP rafika and a defender of the Syrian National Social Ideology.
I believe in Jesus Christ because He said: " You know the Right , and the Right will liberate you !" (Ta3rifoune el 7ak , wa al 7ak you7arirakom).
The Right ‘‘ al 7ak '' is in accordance with what is good , proper and just . It must be in conformity with fact, reason, some standard and principles and correct in judgement, opinion and action. The Right '' al 7ak '' is a just claim whether legal, prescriptive or moral.
Jesus Christ used the words '' you Know =ta3rifoune / the Right = al 7ak / IS your Liberation =you7arirakom '' when addressing people. He believed in the human being's reason and knowledge, he didn't ask about these two essential parts of man's mind, he insisted on them as being there .He concluded by speaking of the man's Liberation, is it either moral or social.
I believe in Jesus Christ because I believe in the human being. The common point between the two is Liberty > Liberty includes all domains (social, cultural, thoughts, beliefs, etc and the list is not exhaustive) without any discrimination or prohibition between either of the domains.
Allow me to tell you about my experience in the social work. During “The Grapes of Wrath ''Zionist’operations( 3anakid el ghadab), many people from South Lebanon were obliged to run away from the zionists'attacks and came to stay in schools or institutions or houses in Beirut and other regions , with most of them nothing but their own clothes . As a social activist and a citizen ( let me not say as a SSNP rafika ), I tried to provide the maximum help in all ways to them during their stay , like many other citizens did. Then things came to normal and they could return live in their homes and on their land.
Let's imagine the International community or whoever other negotiators didn't arrive to a settlement of this matter of refugees at that time , which would have meant these citizens of South Lebanon would be still in Beirut and other regions and living from people's helps and donations . This situation would have created a major social and human problematic, due to the israeli occupation , like it used to be in South Lebanon before its liberation , like it is still in Palestine and in the occupied lands of al Goulan Heights and Chabaa Farms .
Jesus Christ’s Teachings taught us to exhibit a spirit proper to them, as in having a loving regard for other persons, and even in loving our ennemies. How could I conciliate the two if I had the dramatic human situation described above, on my own land and among my own people? Did Jesus Christ teach me that if my neighbour is mean and hurts my own family , I shall love my neighbour's family and offend mine ??Or must I struggle very hard to bring comfort and peace to my own family?? If it were so, then the Christian Martyrs who died for their faith in many countries of the world would have disappeared completely and with them their religious beliefs. Instead of that, they fought for their moral, human, religious and social liberation, for WHAT IS RIGHT, as Jesus Christ said.
Antoun Saadeh, when speaking about the Syrian National Social idelogy to people, used the same language .He wanted to spread the ideals of Goodness, Right and Beauty ‘‘alkheir, al7ak wa aljamal ''.
He was not a prophet, but he was the precursor of an ideology that should bring the best for the national interest of al Oumma al Sourya. He had the ability of seeing things coming and of good reasonning about different situations and issues. He only dealt with religions because he believed that Christianism and Islam have both the same essence and his approach was in order to unify the people living on the same land in the same Syrian nation.
Jesus Christ addressed my spiritual life ( and so did al Nabi Mohamad 3aleyhi al salat wa alsalam ), A.Saadeh's my reality and my existence on this land ,as I am a human being made out of soul and body.
Both Jesus Christ and Mohamed brought God's words in order to improve our life on earth. If God 'Allah ''The All Mighty '' wanted the human being to live in mysticism and to be only religious , then why did He create the body and not only the soul ?? Let us not interfere in his Creation; we are only poor human beings. But whenever I allow my body senses and pleasures to become my main interests in life, then I will become a '' friend of the world and the enemy of God ''.
Religions told us to create a balance in everything, a balance in dealing with our spiritual life and our materialistic and realistic one.
Saadeh al Mo3alem taught us to deal with our reality as members in this nation, and to fight with our reason and blood, so we don't remain like animals imprisonned (in all ways and means) by internal or external Forces '' a3da2 al dakhil wa al kharij '' whose interests are in contradiction with our national interests and well-being.
To conclude , if I look up the meaning of the word Jesus in an English dictionnary , I will find this “Jesus , from Hebrew Yeshu” , a syncopated variance of Yehoshua = God is Help ''' and I remember the saying '' Help yourself so God would help you '' ( sa3ed nafssak la Allah yissa3idak ).

Tahya Sourya wa yahya Saadeh

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